5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Driving Lessons

Published by Rick Turner on

girl learning to drive - driving teacher in Phoenix AZ concept image

Getting ready to begin your driving lessons with your driving teacher can be exciting, but it’s also important to remember that this new skill will require you to make many life changes, too. 

Here are five things you should do before you start your driving lessons so that you can get the most out of each lesson.

1. Read the Driver’s Manual

The first step you should take before you begin your driving lesson with your driving teacher is reading the driver’s manual. It’s important that you know everything from how to turn on your lights and wipers, to how much it costs if you get a ticket or are involved in an accident. 

You should also be familiar with what it means when there’s a yellow, red, or green light around an intersection. When learning how to drive, safety is key.

2. Choose an Experienced Driving Teacher

Choosing an experienced instructor will allow you to get the most out of your driving lessons and help prepare you for a lifetime without any accidents. 

Here are some things that you should ask when meeting with an instructor:

  • What is their experience? 
  • How long have they been teaching? 
  • How many hours per week do they teach? 
  • Do they offer any refresher courses or lessons in case I need them?
  • What are their qualifications? 
  • Does the school provide a car or can I use my own car? 
  • Is there a minimum age requirement for those taking lessons at your facility?


3. Set Up a Practice Schedule

Check out what the requirements are in your state to attain a driver’s license. Some states require you to be at least 18 years old before you can obtain a learner’s permit. 

It’s also good to know what the insurance certificate requirements are as well. In order to be prepared for what is to come, it will be helpful to research your driving school’s curriculum. Find out what topics they cover and how many hours are required before you can take your driving test. 

Make sure that they have a car that is appropriate for your age and skill level, like an automatic transmission if necessary or an easy-to-handle sized car like a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla. This is  opposed to a sportier vehicle like a Mustang or Camaro, which may not be as easy for someone new to driving on the road.

4. Get Comfortable Behind the Wheel

Spend some time practicing steering, braking, and accelerating in an empty parking lot before you get behind the wheel with your instructor. You don’t want to make a mistake in front of them!

Make sure you have a firm grip on the steering wheel at all times. If your hands are shaking, it can be difficult for you or your teacher to tell what’s going on with the car. 

Always turn off your radio while driving so that you can hear everything that is going on around you and respond accordingly if needed. 

This is especially important when driving during rush hour traffic or in bad weather conditions when visibility might be impaired. It also helps you stay alert and focused while driving. 

5. Review Your Progress

Practice your driving skills in a low-pressure environment. Be aware of traffic laws and be prepared to follow them. 

Get familiar with road signs. Drive under a variety of conditions, such as day or night, good or bad weather, and heavy traffic. 

Keep notes on what needs improvement and why so that your instructor can better guide you along the way. Follow all rules of the road including stoplights, speed limits, pedestrian crossings, etc., even when no one else is following these rules.

Choose Our 5-Star Driving School and Driving Teacher in Phoenix, AZ

If you are planning to start your driving lessons, feel free to contact Legacy Driving Academy for more information. 

Our friendly and experienced instructors are ready to help you become an expert driver in no time. 


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