Defensive Driving Techniques to Employ for Safety on the Road

Defensive driving is an important skill to have, especially on today’s increasingly congested roads. Fortunately, there are several drivers education schools to choose from that teach this form of driving. Defensive driving not only helps you stay safe when you are on the road, but it also allows you to be more aware of the environment around you and make educated decisions that will help you avoid potential accidents.
Let’s take a look at some defensive driving techniques everyone should use while on the road.
1. Defensive Driving Teaches You Speed Management
It is always essential to drive at a speed that is appropriate for both the conditions outside and the environment you are driving in. Even if you are within the speed limit, driving too fast can be dangerous in certain situations. This includes bad weather or any situation where visibility is low or decreasing.
If traffic is heavy and congested, it is best to reduce your speed so that you can react quickly if someone does something unexpected. In addition, you should never tailgate other drivers as this can lead to collisions or other dangerous situations.
2. Maintaining Your Lane
Always maintain your lane when driving and do not drift into another lane without signaling first. This serves two purposes: one, it prevents potential collisions with another vehicle; two, it serves as a signal to other drivers of what your intentions are so they can plan accordingly and adjust their own driving accordingly.
It’s also important to keep your eyes up and on the road at all times and scan ahead for hazards or obstacles that may be in your path. This will give you time to react and slow down if necessary instead of having to slam on the brakes suddenly which can cause an accident.
3. Being Aware of Your Surroundings
It is important to always be aware of your surroundings when driving as this will allow you to anticipate potential problems before they arise, such as sudden stops from other vehicles or pedestrians crossing the street unexpectedly. Be sure to pay attention to your mirrors regularly so that you know what cars are coming up behind you and how close they are getting so that you can adjust your speed accordingly if necessary.
Always pay attention at intersections to stop signs and yield signs even if there are no cars visible as someone could come out of nowhere and crash into you if you don’t stop completely. The best way to learn this is by enrolling in a reputable driver’s education course.
Learn Defensive Driving from the Professionals at Legacy Driving Academy
Taking a defensive driving course can make a huge difference while you are on the road. The course can even help to get a ticket diverted or be used to satisfy a court requirement. However, not every driving school offers defensive learning. The good news is that you can now learn defensive driving from professionals at Legacy Driving Academy which is a premier drivers education driving school in Phoenix, Arizona.
Legacy Driving Academy now offers a 4-hour online defensive driving course in partnership with the Arizona Supreme Court. You can take the defensive driving course from Legacy Driving Academy anywhere. The course includes helpful lessons such as accident prevention techniques and other defensive driving principles.
If you want to satisfy a court requirement, get your ticket diverted, or improve your driving skills, contact us today to learn more about the Legacy Driving Academy defensive driving course.