What Makes Driving Safer Today than Ever Before?

As a driving school in Phoenix AZ, we believe it’s our responsibility to equip new drivers in Arizona with everything they’ll need. Here are a few tips for driving safe on the road.
Driving Safe
Learning to drive has become so important in our car-centric cities that most people are encouraged to start driving in their teens. With modern safety features, cars have become easier to drive and are substantially safer for you and other drivers on the road.
When learning to drive, harrowing statistics inform youths of the dangers of driving, which paint a scary picture of the driving world. However, a less considered reality of driving nowadays is that it’s safer than ever before, thanks to developments in both car and road technology.
Reminding new drivers that cars and roads are safer today can not only make them more comfortable while they learn, but can also enhance their confidence once they are on the road. So what makes driving today safer than ever before?
Road Developments
One of the significant contributors to modern road safety has to be the developments made in roading technology. Roads were once simply paved paths on which a horse and buggy could pass over. After the invention of cars, engineers made some much-needed changes to these old tracks.
Flatter than Ever
As cars have us seated quite low to the ground, it became necessary that the road is flat to minimize bumps. Bumpy roads would’ve also impacted how people drive on roads, as things like bumps and potholes can seriously affect the vehicle’s direction.
The need for roads to be smooth has led to most trafficked roads being asphalt, a process of using crushed stone, sand, and tar to create a flat surface. Asphalt has had an immeasurable impact on road safety and comfort. There are still gravel and unpaved roads out there, so be sure to get some experience on them and asphalt roads.
Sign of the Times
The other significant road development that has undoubtedly increased road safety is the proliferation of road signs across America. These signs remind us what speed we should be traveling and also forewarn us of any upcoming changes to the road.
Even traffic lights have changed, with modern ones using LED lights to be more visible. Abiding by road signs and traffic lights is essential for your safety and the safety of all others on the roads.
We encourage all students at our driving school in Phoenix AZ to learn all the different road signs before they start driving.
Driving Safe with New Car Developments
In the other half of the equation, cars have seen much more change than their original counterparts. Engineers add new safety features for drivers yearly, making cars increasingly safer.
While they had a controversial introduction to the world, seatbelts have since become a standard part of driving. A seatbelt enhances the driver’s safety, as unbelted passengers can become missiles in a high-speed accident.
Reminding new drivers of the importance of always wearing a seatbelt is essential. At our driving school in Phoenix AZ, we can inform them why, but you will need to ensure that they do as their parent.
Crumple Zones
It may seem counterproductive to make cars that crumple in certain areas during a collision, but this has proven to decrease bodily injury in an accident. Crumple zones are life-saving because the momentum that a crash would typically pass on to those inside the vehicle is instead exhausted in one of these crumple zones. Most modern cars, even slightly older ones, will have crumple zones built in.
Blind Spot Sensors
Every car has a blind spot, an area behind it in which nothing is possible to be seen due to the mirror’s angle and the car’s shape. Of course, a blind spot isn’t a problem for most drivers who are concerned with only going forward and not what’s behind them.
However, the blind spot can hide an entire vehicle when changing lanes, especially on a highway. Blind spot sensors help by indicating whether a car is in your blind spot to help you change lanes safely. Even in cars with blind spot sensors, we still recommend to all our students that they get into the practice of turning and looking over their shoulders when changing lanes.
Other Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems for Driving Safe
Blind spot sensors are just one of many Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) that make driving even safer today. Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems make a big difference, and new drivers should seek them in any car.
– Adaptive Cruise Control
– Automatic Braking Systems like Automatic Emergency Braking
– Side, front, and rear collision warning
– Lane departure warning
– Road sign recognition
While these can enhance the safety of a new driver, nothing beats a good education and adherence to basic road rules.
Our Driving School in Phoenix AZ
Changes to cars and roads aren’t the only things that have positively impacted driver safety. The way that driving instructors teach has a significant impact on how people drive, and as a driving school in Phoenix AZ, we believe it’s our responsibility to equip new drivers with everything they’ll need. Here at Legacy Driving School, we offer high-quality theory and practical driving lessons to people of all ages. We’re excited to get you on the road, so if you’d like to learn more, check out our website or contact us today.