Legacy Driving Academy

5 Best Places to Practice Driving When You’re Learning

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You may be wondering where are places to practice driving near me? Learning to drive is one of the more fulfilling achievements of teenage and young adult life, as the freedom it grants you is relatively incomparable. Building confidence behind the wheel can not only mean you can get around your state, but you’ll be able to drive yourself across entire continents, something which our forefathers could only dream of achieving. Although driving also comes with its hazards, as we see from the many injuries and fatalities each year, learning to do so properly is imperative.

Here at our driving school in Phoenix AZ, we know that safety comes first when driving anywhere. Although a less commonly considered aspect is safety when learning to drive, which should set a precedent for all future driving. By giving yourself ample time and space when learning to drive, you will quickly gain the confidence required on the real roads.

Here are our recommended safe places.

Practice Driving with Another Good Driver

One of the most helpful things in the early days of practicing driving is having someone who is a confident and established driver by your side. While many rely on their parents, they may not be the best people for the job, so be sure to ask a family member or family friend who you feel comfortable around. If you don’t have anyone in your family to practice with you, ask any friends who may already have their licenses.

Use a Suitable Vehicle

As well as keeping good company, you should also ensure you have access to a vehicle which is suitable to learn in. Don’t take your father’s Jaguar out for the very first time you drive, as any damage will be monumentally expensive.

Best Places to Practice Driving: Safe Places to Consider

As the very first steps in learning to drive are starting and stopping, a large parking lot is your best bet in those early days. At first, you will need to find a time where it is empty or mostly vacant, as you don’t want to inconvenience other drivers. There are also many kinds of corners in parking lots to practice turning, and usually space to practice specific turns such as U-turns. Finally, as you’re already in a parking lot, you will be able to practice different kinds of parking, just be sure to practice away from vehicles first to gain your spatial awareness.

What to Look For in a Practice Area

When choosing a practice area, keep the following points in mind:

1. Busy Parking Lots

Once you’ve got past the initial jitters that come with effortlessly directing a ton of metal around, you should practice driving in a parking lot with other vehicles around. Be sure to be very careful not to hit any people or other vehicles, and practice the same maneuvers you were initially, except with a bit more haste and intention.

Parking lots will be your best friend during the very early days of your driving as the low-speed limits mean the risk is kept to a minimum.

2. Suburbia

Once you’re confident in parking lots, you can level up to suburban streets which often boast wide quiet roads. This is the ideal place to practice driving and changing lanes, using intersections, as well as following the posted speed limits. If there is plenty of parking space on the sides you may even want to practice the infamous parallel park, which many young drivers swear they will never want to do.

If you’re really worried about parallel parking, wait until you come to our driving school in Phoenix AZ to learn how to do it right every time.

3. Small Towns

Once you’ve conquered suburbia it’s time to start putting into practice what you’ve learned so far, but around a minimal amount of people. Small towns, like any other dense area of people, will have busy times of day and quiet times of the day. Start to practice driving at the quiet time of day, and later get out during peak hours to get used to the natural flow of traffic.

4. Rural Highways

Often found on either side of a small town, these are a great place to practice driving at higher speeds without the concern of other people on the road. They are a great place to practice maintaining a high speed, driving at night with high beams, and passing slower vehicles.

5. City Streets

If you live in a city or ever plan to, it’s important to get used to how traffic and pedestrians flow as early as possible, otherwise it will become more and more daunting over time. Be sure to have an experienced passenger with you your first few times, and be forgiving to yourself as stressed-out reactions often lead to accidents.

Common Questions About Places to Practice Driving

Here are some of the most common questions we get asked about practicing driving:

The best days and times to practice driving are the times when your unlikely to get in a wreck. According to NSC Injury Facts, the best times to avoid a wreck are in the early mornings.

Utilize a Driving School Education – Legacy Driving Academy

The best way to ensure you learn how to drive both properly and safely on all roads is to combine these practices with education from a driving school. Looking for places to practice driving? Feel free to contact us or visit us in our driving school in Phoenix AZ to see how we can help you learn to drive.

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