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5 Reasons Why You Need to Take a Defensive Driving Course

defensive driving course in phoenix.

Many people think that they are perfectly capable of driving safely without any kind of training. However, the fact of the matter is that there are always things you can learn to improve your driving skills, and taking defensive driving lessons can go a long way toward helping you avoid accidents and get home safe after a long day at work or school. 

What is a Defensive Driving Course?

Before we start talking about why you need to take defensive driving, let’s start with what it is. According to Wikipedia, defensive driving is a set of skills and techniques that motorists may use to reduce their likelihood of getting involved in a traffic collision. So, when we talk about defensive driving, you can almost think of it as an insurance policy against accidents and injuries. Here are five reasons why you need to take defensive driving lessons today.

Why Take Defensive Driving Classes?

Residents of Phoenix have an opportunity to enroll in online defensive driving course at Legacy Driving Academy, a reputable driving school in Phoenix AZ.

1. To Get Your License Back

A lot of people take defensive driving lessons at a driving school in Phoenix AZ after being cited for a traffic violation. This is because most states have an option on their driver’s license application where you can opt into taking driver’s education as a way of preventing your points from accumulating and causing your license to be suspended or revoked. If you don’t take those courses, then over time your accumulated points can put your driving privileges at risk. 

Before you know it, that ticket you received could make it much harder (or impossible) for you to drive legally. Taking defensive driving courses is one of many ways you can keep yourself safe on the road, as well as ensure that your record stays clean.

2. To Be More Confident Behind the Wheel

The best way to become a better driver is actually behind a steering wheel. Learning what it feels like when you do something right—and when you do something wrong—can give you more confidence in your daily commute and make your trips smoother. 

Additionally, defensive driving can help hone in on specific things that are holding you back from being as safe as possible behind the wheel; perhaps, for example, every time you take a corner at high speeds, your car slides too much or leans excessively into turns. If you’re looking for ways to be safer and smoother behind the wheel, look into defensive driving courses offered by Legacy Driving Academy in collaboration with the Arizona Supreme Court. 

3. Defensive Driving Course To Learn New Driving Skills

It’s easy to think you already know how to drive. If you’ve had your license for a while, it might even seem like second nature. But defensive driving classes can help you learn new skills and stay sharp on existing ones by teaching you new techniques, analyzing your driving style, and offering tips for improvement. 

Taking these classes can also reinforce good habits so that when unexpected scenarios arise on the road, your first reaction is a safe one instead of one that puts you or others at risk. The more defensively-minded you are as a driver, chances are higher that every journey will be completed without incident.

4. To Deal with Emergency Situations

Defensive driving courses give you an in-depth knowledge of all kinds of emergency situations and how to deal with them. Although it’s impossible to prepare for every situation, you can gain some valuable insights into how other drivers will behave when faced with a particular scenario and how best to handle it. What’s more, being more aware of what other drivers may do can help you avoid situations before they even happen – meaning less risk involved for everyone. If there are some situations you feel particularly concerned about, don’t hesitate to find a course that deals specifically with those circumstances.

5. Fewer Car Repairs

Simply avoiding an accident can save you thousands of dollars. If you’re involved in a serious accident and your vehicle isn’t properly maintained, it’s likely that repairs will cost far more than if you had regularly scheduled maintenance done on your car. Additionally, driving defensively means that you won’t have to have as many accidents. By driving slower and paying attention, other drivers will pay more attention to you and be less likely to cut in front of or hit your car. Also, by taking defensive driving lessons, there’s less chance that you’ll become distracted while behind the wheel.

Defensive Driving Course in Phoenix AZ

If you want to have your ticket diverted or even meet a court requirement in Arizona, start taking your defensive driving lessons today at Legacy Driving Academy. Not only will it increase your confidence behind the wheel, it could also save you money in accident costs and reduce your chances of receiving points on your driver’s license. And don’t forget—many insurance companies even offer discounts if you complete an approved defensive driving course! The online defensive course is approved by the Arizona Supreme Court. If you have any questions about the defensive driving course offered at Legacy Driving Academy, feel free to contact us today!

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